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Face Off ‘Ego Trip Abroad’ Recap: Episode 06.08

Ego Trip Abroad

For all the Otaku out there, this episode is for you! This week the Contestants are off to Tokyo, Japan. They Start their adventure in the Tsukiji Fish Market for their first taste of the local culture, then off to shibuya crossing, a Japanese garden, then lastly to a temple for their first Foundation Challenge . The very lucky crew is met by world renowned Makeup Artist Kazuhiro Tsuji, who will judge the contestant’s creation of an original ‘Oni’ (Japanese Demon). He expresses his hope that they will include the culture they have seen into the creature they create. Corinne and Daran’s stand out as the best, and Daran’s takes the win and immunity for the Spotlight Challenge.

McKenzie reveals this week’s Spotlight challenge, to create a hyper-stylized original Anime character, based on their own alter-ego.  The Contestants will be sent to Akihabara, the anime capital of the world, to get inspiration and meet with Hidetaka Tenjin at the At Home Cosplay Cafe for a consultation, before heading back to  the work room. He pushes the crew to go bigger and bolder to fit into this week’s theme, going subtle will send you home.

The Contestant’s have 3 days to create, and show inventive skills to make their anime characters come to life. Everyone is nervous going to the stage, with time management issues across the board, but the work they created this week is pretty impressive.

Kazuhiro Tsuji joins as guest judge, and the stage show begins.  Chloe’s piece jumps past cute into the realm of creepy, Daran’s imaginative koi piece seems like it could be a front runner for this week’s win. Corinne’s anime witch also no doubt will be in the top ranking, along with Tyler’s which is comical and over the top. George’s work is the weakest he has created yet, which is disappointing.

Safe: Chloe, Tyler, Nico & Rashaad

Strongest: Daran & Corinne

Weakest: Graham & George

Winner: Daran                                     Voted Out: No One!

The Judges used their special immunity this week to save Graham, knowing he is capable of better, and I couldn’t agree more! There were definitely weak makeups, but I was impressed with a lot of the work the contestant’s did this round. Many were out of their comfort zones and showed ingenuity in their designs. Daran deserved the win, his koi creature was beautifully done, and I was impressed by Corinne for the first time this season. This episode all around was fantastic, and I am excited to see what the next Spotlight challenge will be.

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