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Lost Girl Returning for a Fifth Season!

Lost Girl

Lost Girl Good news Lost Girl fans, Canada’s Showcase Network just announced that the show is coming back for a fifth season! A good thing too with season four ending in a somber cliff hanger, nothing worse than a show ending before loose ends are tied up! Anna Silk, Zoie Palmer, Rachel Skarsten, Rick Howland, Emmanuelle Vaugier and  Kris Holden-Ried are all slated to return, though no word yet on Ksenia Solo and K.C. Collins. I admit that I would be truly heart broken if Ksenia’s character Kenzi isn’t brought back, along with the character of Hale, their witty snark brings a lot to the table. It would be hard to imagine a return to the comic aspect of the show without them, and after the emotional roller coaster of season four, that quirky comic relief is definitely needed. The show is a front runner in showing alternative relationships to main stream audiences, and not just inter-fae fraternizing. Showing positive romance between members of the same sex, as well as the opposite needs to become common place, and Lost Girl doesn’t shy away from the challenge of broadening it’s audience’s minds. 

SyFy Channel, which also has aired the television series in the past has yet to decide if they will be airing the newest season. All of you U.S. viewers, get on writing those emails to SyFy demanding your weekly Lost girl fix. What would we do without our dose of seductive succubus, fetching werewolf, and sexy siren, all playing out salacious story lines? I know I don’t want to find out.

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