A new week of Face Off starts with a Foundation Challenge for immunity. The Contestants are led into a work room filled with motorcycles, challenged to make a character that would ride the bike their choice. Judged by Patrick Tatopoulos, the Contestants get to work.
Tanner and Daran stand out above the rest, Daran takes the immunity win for his Post Apocalyptic Biker Voodoo Priestess.
The next day the group is met in the lab by Glenn Hetrick with this week’s Spot Light Challenge, . In teams of two, they must create a character that has fused with their guitar. The Contestants are allowed to choose their own teams this round. The teams being: Cat & Niko, Tess & Matt, Chloe & Tanner, George & Daran, Rashaad & Tyler, Corinne & Graham
Not long into creation Tess has a panic attack leaving her partner Matt to pick up the slack. Matt works like a champ and offers support in the work room for his panicked partner.
The rest of the teams work quickly and smoothly, creating intriguing characters for the stage reveal.
Safe: Niko & Cat, Graham & Corrine
Strongest: Daran & George, Rashaad & Tyler
Weakest: Tess & Matt, Tanner & Chloe
Team Voted Best if the Week: Daran & George This Week’s Winner: Daran
Voted Out: Tess
I am relieved that the Judges chose to send Tess home this week. Astounded by her choice of final words in touting gaining in confidence through the show after several consecutive weeks of emotion break downs. I am confused by the Judges being seemingly enamored by the work of Tyler & Rashaad, whose piece seemed a bit lopsided and rough in the paint work. Though they did have some interesting concepts in their piece, their skills seem sub par compared to a few of the other Contestants. The overall win by Daran could not have been more deserved, the Alien Rock Goddess concept and execution is probably the best make up I have seen on the show in a very long time, and possibly the most original. Where last week felt disappointing, this week left off on a much higher note, leaving me looking forward to what could be up next.