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An Aquaman Movie Might Be in the Works by Warner Bros.

Aquaman movie

Much to the celebration of his three or four fans, an Aquaman movie is in the works, but it won’t star Vincent Chase. I’m being facetious, of course. Yes, Aquaman is a running joke to many people who just consider him the superhero whose biggest power is talking to fish. However, Geoff Johns has worked hard to make Aquaman a serious hero, while at the same time paying tribute to the fact that so many people laugh at him.

With Superman vs. Batman coming, and the rumored appearance of Wonder Woman in the film, as well as Flash and Green Arrow appearing on TV (and maybe the movies as well), that leaves only Green Lantern, Aquman and either Martian Manhunter or Cyborg to finish off the Justice League.

Geoff Johns said that he not only wanted to revive Aquaman (much like he did Green Lantern and Flash before him), but he planned on making sure he was a quality character for “other media.”

“He’s a priority character for the company… He became a little bit of a joke… Suddenly, he was nobody’s favorite super hero… He’s a character that we talk quite a bit about… There is no doubt in my mind that this is one of the most well-known characters among super-heroes, and in popular culture.”

Aquaman will first get his own animated movie, which is building its own interconnected New 52 universe, as all the movies are supposed to connect to one another. Aquaman was not part of Justice League: War and that is because the company wanted to introduce him in his own solo movie.

Would you like to see Aquaman get a live-action movie, maybe something to do with a war for Atlantis or something similar? Let us know your thoughts below.

Source: Variety

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