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Harvey Weinstein Wants to Milk Another ‘Scream’ Movie

scream 5 movie

You know, because Harvey Weinstein is just full of good ideas, right?

Scream 4 didn’t make any big splashes when it hit a couple of years ago. In fact, all the promises of a new Scream generation were smashed to death in the film, and SPOILER ALERT… None of the original cast even died, and pretty much all the new cast was slaughtered. Pointless if you ask me.

Well, Harvey Weinstein, being the magnificent man that he is wants another entry to finally end the series. Why you ask? Because we’re hopelessly addicted to sequels? Most likely! Here is the statement below:

“Everyone lived in Scream 4. I’m begging him to do the movie and just end it. We’ve milked that cow.”

In retrospect and fairness to Harvey, it does sound like he just wants the whole franchise to end altogether. He might be talking about the intent on the new trilogy and wanting to throw the idea out entirely, which if that is the case then I can’t agree more. That said, why do another film at all? It was clear with Scream 4 that the demand for another film has long passed. Just let this property die so the next big thing can have its day.

If another Scream does eventually happen, Wes Craven is still on board to direct. What do you think? Are you wanting a Scream 5?

Source: Movieweb


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