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James Cameron Calls Gravity “The Best Space Film Ever”

James Cameron Talks Gravity

When you are the director of the two highest grossing films of all-time, people tend to listen to what you say. Undoubtedly, the man I’m speaking of is James Cameron, who has made a career of just smashing every box-office record in existence. He is also the man you run to when you want to make the best 3D film imaginable. With Gravity, Alfonso Cuaron reached out for technical help during filming of his zero gravity thriller. Apparently, it paid off because reactions out of festivals and comic-con have been glowing, and even Cameron himself is blown away by the experience.

In a new profile for the upcoming film, Variety reached out to Cameron and got his reaction to the movie. Here is the quote:

I was stunned, absolutely floored. I think it’s the best space photography ever done, I think it’s the best space film ever done, and it’s the movie I’ve been hungry to see for an awful long time. What is interesting is the human dimension. Alfonso and Sandra working together to create an absolutely seamless portrayal of a woman fighting for her life in zero gravity.

As SlashFilm points out, that means Cameron is saying Gravity is better than 2001: A Space OdysseyApollo 13Wall-E, Star Wars, or even movies he made like Aliens and Avatar. Bold statement for sure. That being said, when Cameron makes a statement like this, it’s not one you should usually ignore.

Gravity will hit theaters on October 4th!

Here is the two latest trailers if you haven’t seen them!



Source: Variety

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