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Vin Diesel Claims Marvel Wants to Meet with Him

Earlier today, Riddick and The Fast & Furious star Vin Diesel announced on his Facebook page that Marvel Studios is interested in meeting him. Here’s the actual quote below.

“P.S. Marvel has requested a meeting… No idea what for… Haha, you probably know better than me.”

Though Diesel made this announcement only mere hours ago, people have already begun to speculate on who it is Marvel wants him to play. Many believe that he will be asked to fill the role of an Avenger in Avengers 2. Some have suggested that it could be Namor the Sub-Mariner, or maybe even Thanos himself.

IGN actually believe that it could be the longtime android Avenger, the Vision, and they have some evidence behind their theory. According to both IGN and Bleeding Cool, Diesel used a picture of the Vision as his Facebook profile picture for a brief period last year. It’s unlikely that Diesel would actually use a picture of a character he didn’t like or have some interest  in.

I could actually see Diesel in the role. He first made his mark with Brad Bird’s underrated masterpiece, The Iron Giant, as the voice of the titular robot. In a way, he does have experience playing a machine that wants to be a human. If he’s directed by someone Joss Whedon, he could really make the role work.

That being said, this is still a great amount of speculation. At this point, there has been no confirmation regarding the Vision’s status in the film. We already know that Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch have been added to Avengers 2. Even if they don’t add anymore members of the Avengers, that would make eight team members. (Not counting Nick Fury, who’s sure to return.) Even for Joss Whedon, that’s a full plate.

With a world quite as large as the Marvel universe, the possibilities are endless regarding Diesel’s mystery character. We’ll just have to wait and see.

What do you think of this idea? Do you think that Diesel would be a good fit for the Marvel universe? Which character do you think Marvel wants Vin Diesel to play? Do you think that IGN is on to something with their Vision theory? Why don’t you just tell us what you think in the comments below?

Source: IGN, Facebook

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