One of the most nit-picky complaints about the new Superman film, Man of Steel, is the massive amounts of collateral damage and unavoidable Man of Steel deaths as a result of Superman and General Zod’s climactic throw down.
Well, in an interview with Bleeding Cool, screenwriter David S. Goyer addressed audience’s concerns regarding the Man of Steel deaths of innocents in the film:
“One of the things we were hoping to depict is that Superman is not a god. We say he’s a god-like figure but he’s not omnipotent. Even in the comic books he cannot save everyone. I think people die [in Metropolis]. Clearly hundreds if not thousands of people have died while the gravity machines are going off. There were probably even people who died in Smallville.
When you’re dealing with a threat like this, there will be collateral damage. This is something that hadn’t been depicted in comic book films is what it would be like if these powerful figures did clash, if The Hulk and Thor fought, people would probably die. Particularly in this case where Zod and the Kryptonians really don’t care if people die. I think people died and I’m sure that upsets some people.”
I felt a lot of the problems in Man of Steel stemmed form Goyer’s clumsy script. He has great thematic ideas, but falters when it comes to executing them. Let hope he can get a good co-writer for the sequel.