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Jessica Alba discusses ‘Sin City: A Dame to Kill For’

One of the most anticipated films of 2013 is the long awaited sequel to Robert Rodriguez’s Sin City. One of the better stories from that film involved a sadistic tale of a veteran cop protecting a girl from a child molester and murder. Jessica Alba played the grown up version of that girl by the name of Nancy Callahan, and boy was she a sight for sore eyes. Recently, Collider caught up with the actress about the excitement of returning to the crazy dark world of Sin City. When asked about the long development of the project, the actress states that even she was unsure that it would ever happen.

It was like “We’re going to start in the summer, we’re going to start in the fall” but then when we actually got the start date and I was there on the set it was like a dream.  I was like, “Am I really here?  Are we really here?  OK, just making sure.” And Jamie [Chung] filmed the day before me and I was like “Are we really doing this?” So yeah, it was surreal and I ran into Rosario [Dawson] and for all of us it’s really cool.  I got to work with Bruce [Willis] and with Mickey [Rourke] and it’s probably one of the best times of my life working on the second.  The first was like open the doors and this has been, certainly as an artist, the best experience.

I think most of us agree that it was great experience for us as well. Back in 2005, I was completely blown away how much the film actually felt like a cinematic comic-book. She goes on and expresses her admiration for Mickey Rourke and how they have more scenes together in the next entry.

I got to work with Mickey this time, which I didn’t work with him the first time, even though we were in scenes together, I did my scenes with Robert, so that was nice, to be able to work with Mickey because I’ve always been a huge fan of his.

The most interesting tidbit of the interview is where she suggest that the new story in the sequel with her character is a complete original tale made for the film.

Well this is- mine is an original story so there wasn’t a lot to base it off of, but Frank [Miller] has been drawing.  So it’s just crazy.  It was neat to see their process, Robert and Frank’s, and their collaboration and what they inspire from each other and get out of each other and what they’re creating.  It’s really like the 2.0 version of Sin City and it’s pretty amazing.

I don’t know how much the Nancy Callahan character appears in the graphic novels, but I have zero complaints of having more Jessica Alba. One can only imagine what Rodriguez and Miller have cooked up for the sequel. It’s time to get excited people! Jessica Alba returns with a star-studded cast, which includes, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Brolin, Eva Green, Mickey Rourke, Rosario Dawson, and tons more!

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is slated for October 4th, 2013!


Source: Collider

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