The first Snowpiercer trailer is online, and while my excitement for this movie is at an all-time high, I was not overly impressed with this first look at the movie. There are some major flaws with the trailer, as the operatic music is a bit too much and Tilda Swinton’s dialogue sounds horrible. Honestly, the audio in this trailer is horrible and might turn some people off from Snowpiercer before it gets a chance.
That would be tragic.
Now, with Snowpiercer, he has a fantastic cast and is telling a sci-fi story of an earth that entered a new ice age thanks to a failed scientific experiment to stop global warming. Almost everyone has died, and the people aboard the Snowpiercer train are kept alive by a machine preserving them.
The movie follows the lower class people, forced to the back of the train, while the upper class (led by Tilda Swinton) are at the front, with military fighters in the middle keeping them separated. The movie then shows the lower class as they try to break the barriers, even if it means killing everyone by taking out the Snowpiercer itself.
The Snowpiercer trailer shows this story fine, but I feel it looks too much like a Z-grade movie, and after The Host, that would be very disappointing to me. The cast is great, with John Hurt, Jamie Bell, Alison Pill, Chris Evans, Ed Harris, Octavia Spencer and more. This movie has to be better than the trailer looks.
Snowpiercer opens on August 1 in South Korea, but has no U.S. opening date lined up yet.