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Kathleen Kennedy Exits ‘Jurassic Park 4’

Lately, it just seems as if we are getting nothing but Star Wars news, am I right folks? Well, even though this has somewhat to do with that franchise, the story involved mainly concerns the fate of Jurassic Park 4. Kathleen Kennedy is a long time producer of the films and has played a part in their development since the days of Steven Spielberg. Now, in a not so surprising move, Kathleen Kennedy has exited as producer for the next entry in the Jurassic Park series.

Frank Marshall chimed in on twitter about her involvement as follows:

“No,…Ms. Kennedy has moved onto Star Wars and will not be producing JP4. She’s traded raptors for TIE fighters.”

This news really isn’t a shocker considering her determination to bring back the spirit of Star Wars in 2015. My biggest concern is the fate of Jurassic Park itself. Yes, Steven Spielberg is still attached as a producer but his producing involvement is frequently hit or miss. Keep in mind, he did sign-off on Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen and Cowboys & Aliens. After the disaster that was A Good Day to Die Hard, I become nervous after a franchise reaches its fourth entry.

Jurassic Park 4 is currently slated for June 13th, 2014!


Source: Coming Soon

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