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Paramount Gains Friday the 13th Movie Rights

Anyone waiting for the next Friday the 13th movie is in for a treat, and most of the rest of us can take joy in learning there might be a new South Park movie in the way as well. The Hollywood Reporter announced that Paramount Pictures and Warner Bros. worked together to collaborate on Christopher Nolan’s next movie Interstellar. However, the deal cost Warner Bros. their sole Friday the 13th rights.

What this means is that Paramount can now co-produce the next Friday the 13th movie. Paramount originally distributed the first Friday the 13th movie, but Warner Bros. distributed is domestically. Things got screwy when it ended up at New Line. Paramount and New Line partnered for the remake a few years back.

Now, Paramount has the rights to co-finance a new Friday the 13th series and they have five years to get it done. With the last movie failing to set the world on fire, this might just be good news for acquired tastes.

However, the bigger news here is that paramount created Comedy Central, so they hold rights to South Park. However, Warner Bros. held rights to South Park as well, and part of this deal gives more rights back to Paramount to allow them to make a new South Park movie if they want.

If Paramount can bring in Matt Stone and Trey Parker and they create something close to the brilliance of Bigger, Longer, Uncut, I will be a very happy person.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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