Let’s talk comic book fans and Hollywood.
There will be spoilers to movies you should have already seen in this rant.
However, while I am happy as can be about these movies featuring characters I grew up loving, something else has happened. Comic book fans have been ripping these movies apart for years now. It seems there are comic book fans who just refuse to be happy about these movies, for one reason or another.
Let’s look at some of the recent complaints.
People seemed to universally love The Dark Knight, but then suddenly a backlash started. People thought Heath Ledger only won the Oscar because he died but didn’t really deserve it because he didn’t portray The Joker the way he is in the comics. There are also people who hate the movie because it is too dark.
Iron Man 3 split fans right down the middle, as people hated it because of the twist at the end. See, people wanted The Mandarin to be the villain he was in the comics – you know, a stereotype Asian who hates America. Others wanted him to be like the trailers showed – you know, Bane. When Shane Black did something daring and creative, people backlashed.
It is like the Trekkies who hate on JJ Abrams Star Trek movies because he wanted to create something unique and they are bred to only appreciate what came before. Star Wars fans will be the same with Episode 7 because none of them want to be happy.
Sure, it doesn’t always work when someone tries to change something (X-Men 3 for example). But when we do get a special director, someone like Christopher Nolan, Shane Black or Kenneth Branagh, we will get a special movie – not a comic book genre movie, but a real movie. A Noir styled crime movie, a Shakespearian drama, a kick-ass thriller. I think if fans just want their comics on the screen with no changes, then the comic book movie craze would die.
This leads us to Man of Steel.
Hell, most of “those” fans will damn him sight unseen.
That’s why we can’t have anything nice.