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Bruce Timm and Zack Snyder collaborating on animated Man of Steel — Superman short

It’s been revealed that the latest project for DC Animation legend Bruce Timm is a collaboration with Man of Steel director Zack Snyder.

The animated short will be a tie-in to both Man of Steel and Superman’s upcoming 75th anniversary. This news in surprising given Timm’s earlier announcement that he’d be leaving DC Animation. Of course, when DC and Warner Bros. drives up with a truck of money, it can cause anyone to change their minds.

Timm has served as the architect for DC’s lauded Animated Universe since its inception in 1994. He has worked on a number of Superman movies before, including All-Star Superman and Superman vs. The Elite.

I like this news. Bruce Timm has always done nice work, and I’m interested to see how it will tie into Synder’s Man of Steel. There is no official release for the short yet, however, DC will present a preview animatic at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con.


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