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‘Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance’ Remake Is On The Way!

Back in the early 2000’s,  America went crazy with remaking great horror films from Japan. Mainly because Japan at the time was doing a better job than we were at achieving quality horror films. Now, South Korea has made a top-notch name for themselves in the vengeance genre. So, what does America do when a culture breaks the mold in a specific movie category?

Do it better?


We duplicate it.

Deadline reports that Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance— The first installment of Chan-Wook Park’s “Vengeance trilogy”– is attaining an English language remake. The remake is an attempt between Silver Reel and Lotus Entertainment partnered with di Bonaventura Pictures and CJ Entertainment. The screenplay is penned by Broken City scribe Brian Tucker, which honestly doesn’t give me much faith on the quality of the remake. The original film according to IMDB involves “a recently laid off factory worker who kidnaps his former boss’s daughter, hoping to use the ransom money to pay for his sister’s kidney transplant.”

I loved the original film for its slow building tension and silent approach to suspense. Reminded me of how the Coen Brothers handled the rising conflict in No Country For Old Men. I really hate seeing great movies being remade but lately Hollywood has improved in this department. Even Spike Lee’s Oldboy remake has generated some positive buzz. So, maybe Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance will get the same love.

What do you think? Should a Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance remake happen? Tell us below!

Source: Deadline

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