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Renner Will Return As Hawkeye

Comic Book Fans

Fans of Jeremy Renner’s interpretation of popular Marvel character Hawkeye can sleep a little easier tonight. It sounds like a guarantee that Jeremy Renner returns as Hawkeye, and will appear in movies down the line.

Last week reports were circling that (a) Renner’s unhappiness with Hawkeye’s character arc in Avengers Assemble (i.e. doped up and somewhat dull for most of the film’s running time) was prompting him to reevaluate his Marvel commitment and (b) the Marvel powers that be were very upset with Renner’s outspokenness re: Hawkeye’s character arc in Avengers, prompting them to reevaluate their commitment to Renner.  Fortunately it looks like a + b ≠ Renner leaving the Marvel family, mostly because a and b were unsubstantiated.

New reports reveal that Renner is “very much a part of the Marvel family” and will return as Hawkeye in future Marvel films.  No news yet on whether his next appearance will be à la the Mark Ruffalo/Bruce Banner stinger cameo at the end of Iron Man III (you all should’ve have seen IM3 by now, so no reason to call spoiler on that one) or a more prominent role in the upcoming Thor or Captain America sequels.  There’s also the possibility that we won’t see Hawkeye again until Avengers 2: Avenge Harder.  Regardless, this is very positive news, as Renner is a good actor with nothing but room to grow in the Hawkeye role as Marvel: Phase 2 marches on.


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