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Who is Ready For Another Round of Dodgeball?

Dodgeball sequel

Yes ladies and gentlemen! You read correct! The Vince Vaughan and Ben Stiller rival comedy is currently in early stages for a sequel. The original film has had sequel buzz ever since it made $167 million worldwide on a $20 million budget. Now, things are moving forward now that Stiller and producing partner Stuart Cornfield have locked a screenwriter to pen a follow-up.

THR reports that Clay Tarver has been hired to write a sequel involving “Vaughn and Stiller forced to team up to fight an even bigger threat, according to sources.”  No word yet on who the bigger enemy is, but I’m willing to bet it’s a close comedic pal like Will Ferrell. You know that would be epic. Tarver’s screenwriting cred includes a few episodes of The Upright Citizens Brigade, as well as a co-writing partner credit with J.J. Abrams on Joy Ride.

Funny thing about this story is I’ve never found myself counting on a Dodgeball sequel, but now that I hear this I really want one. Seeing Stiller return in the role of White Goodman would be worth the admission alone. Hopefully they bring back Alan Tudyk’s character “Steve The Pirate” as well. Arggghh!

What do you think though? Are you excited for a Dodgeball sequel?

Source: THR

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