I would like to start by thanking Korean Jesus for making this possible. The 2012 comedy– directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller– ranked in my top ten list last year. Seriously, if you did not laugh one time in 21 Jump Street, then you need to seek help immediately. The film ended up as a surprise hit, and ever since people have been buzzing for more. Well, it turns out that a 21 Jump Street sequel is definitely on the way.
I’m hoping Lord and Miller return because their off-the-wall style brought tremendous personality to the film. Either way, as long as Jonah Hill and Michael Bacall are penning the screenplay, it’s sure to end up being fun as hell. Michael Bacall helped draft the original film as well as the crazy comic adaptation Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. So the quality writing remains, even if the directors move on.
What do you think? Are you excited for a 21 Jump Street sequel?
Source: Slashfilm