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Doctor Strange Seeking Justin Theroux for Lead?

Doctor Strange casting rumors point to Justin Theroux

Out of all the Marvel rumors, this sure is the strangest– No pun intended. Doctor Strange casting rumors indicate Marvel is to Iron Man 2 screenwriter to handle the lead role of Dr. Strange. Considering Theroux’s past relationship with Marvel Studios, this would not end up as a shock if it were to end up as truth. CHUD received the scoop from an inside source and says “if it still holds true, it’s quite possible that Theroux himself is already at work on the script.” This does help steam things along for Phase 3 if the rumor is valid. I hope that Marvel isn’t choosing Theroux as a shortcut though.

Justin Theroux is not a stranger to acting. I actually thought he did a fine job as the humorous villain in Your Highness. Still, a small part of me hopes Marvel considers other potential talents before jumping the gun with Theroux. There is so many great Dr. Strange candidates out there. Either way, it’s just a rumor and Phase 3 is far away. A lot can change until then.

What do you think about the Doctor Strange casting rumors involving Justin Theroux?

Source: CHUD

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