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Hemlock Grove Trailer Offers Some Gory Goodness

Horror on television is really growing into something special, in many cases even better than what the movie industry is bringing us. With TV shows like The Walking Dead and American Horror Story changing what fans can expect from televised horror, it seems the best is yet to come. Now, Eli Roth is making his move with a Netflix series called Hemlock Grove. Check out the first Hemlock Grove trailer here.

From the first look, it seems like a lot of other horror series on TV, with Joss Whedon’s franchises and Supernatural as obvious influences. However, Eli Roth has two things going for him with the show airing on Netflix. One is that he doesn’t have to worry about picky network sponsors. Two, he doesn’t have to worry about toning down his gore and language.

There are plenty of F-bombs in the Hemlock Grove trailer and the special effects for the monsters are pretty gruesome as well. I don’t know about the quality, but the Hemlock Grove trailer is enough to pique my interest. Plus, anything with Famke Janssen starring in it automatically gets points.

A young girl is brutally murdered and found near the former Godfrey steel mill. As rumors mount, two of the suspects in her killing, Peter Rumancek, a 17-year-old Gypsy trailer trash kid rumored to be a werewolf, and Roman, the heir to the Godfrey estate, decide to find the killer themselves.

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