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Wesley Snipes Expendables 3 – Rising from the Ashes

Wesley Snipes just got out of jail, so he obviously needs a job. With all the taxes he owed, he probably needs one that can make him some quick, easy money too. Luckily, he has a friend in Sylvester Stallone. The first casting news since he got out of jail is that Stallone has cast Wesley Snipes in Expendables 3.

This is a long-time coming as CHUD points out that Snipes was originally supposed to play Hale Caesar in the first movie, the role that eventually went to Terry Crews. Well, as awesome as Crew is in that role, there still needs to be a place for Wesley Snipes in Expendables 3, and thanks to Sly, there is.

While there is no word on what kind of character that Wesley Snipes will play in Expendables 3, I am hoping it is a bad guy. Sure, most people know him as Blade, which puts him in the gray area of the anti-hero good guys, and most of his B-level movies have him as the good guy as well.

But I see Wesley Snipes in an Expendables movie as more of his Simon Phoenix character from Demolition Man, where he played a kick-ass serial killer facing off with his mortal enemy, John Spartan, played of course by Sylvester Stallone. Die his hair blonde and pay full homage to that awesome 1993 action movie.

Oh yeah, and to anyone who thinks Mel Gibson is not a good choice to direct Expendables 3 – you are wrong.


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