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Rupert Wyatt Leaves Gambit Movie

Gambit movie

After the debacle that was The Fantastic Four, there is little trust in the comic book division over at Fox. While the X-Men movies are still pretty dang awesome, doubts still linger about spin-off properties like Deadpool and Gambit. While Deadpool looks pretty great based on the trailers, Gambit is having problems.

First off, Channing Tatum was reported to have left the project a little while back, but is now back on again transparently. This is because Variety reported on Wednesday that director Rupert Wyatt has left the Channing Tatum-starring movie. I must have missed Tatum returning, or shooting down the original rumor that he was leaving, but this news about Wyatt is legit.

Wyatt, who directed the fantastic Rise of the Planet of the Apes, joined the project in June of this year and had to leave because of scheduling conflicts.

“I was very much looking forward to working with my friend Channing and the team at Fox, but regrettably a push in the start date now conflicts with another project,” Wyatt said in a statement. “I thank them for the opportunity and I know that Gambit will make a terrific film.”

The Gambit movie was supposed to start filming in November, but the script showed up and caused the budget to jump. As a result, the movie won’t even start filming until 2016. Josh Zetumer, who wrote the 2014 Robocop reboot, penned the script based on a treatment by Chris Claremont, the genius who wrote the X-Men comics when Gambit was created.

Now that Wyatt is off the Gambit movie, a new director needs to be found fast because the film will start shooting early in 2016 with an Oct. 7, 2016 release date set. X-Men: Apocalypse comes out on May 27, 2016. There is no word on what Wyatt’s next project is scheduled to be.

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