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Fantastic Four trailer indicates record interest for movie

Fantastic Four trailer

For the last year, Fox has been pretty quiet about their upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. They announced the cast, which received criticism instantly from all over the Internet. Plot details leaked, which caused people everywhere to deem the movie a flop before ever seeing a scene. Then the first Fantastic Four trailer hit.

Many opinions changed about the quality of the film. Of course, some of the opinions were of the fact that this looks like it will be a great movie – just not a great Fantastic Four movie. That tells me that, as long as people aren’t interested in seeing their favorite comic book characters up on the big screen, this might end up being a really good sci-fi movie.

If anything, the Fantastic Four trailer got people talking about the movie instead of talking about the race of Johnny Storm or the fact that Doctor Doom might be an angry blogger.

And it looks like it did pique people’s interests. The Fantastic Four trailer was viewed 42 million times within days of its release online. That actually broke the record for a Fox movie trailer, originally held by X-Men: Days of Future Past.

“We took our time with that trailer,” said producer Simon Kinberg. “What we were trying to tell people was: Here’s the tone of the movie. My favorite trailers are the ones who set the world, the tone, the voice of the movie, without telling you too much about the story. It’s totally different from what the previous movies had done, and it’s much more akin to what the Ultimate Fantastic Four series did.”

For those who don’t know, the Fantastic Four in the Ultimate universe didn’t get their powers by flying into outer space and their origin actually updated the team in a smart and creative way. The comic series lost its way after awhile and had some questionable decisions (Doom especially was … off), but the origin story itself was decent.

What were your thoughts on the first Fantastic Four trailer? Are you more excited to see it? Let us know in the comments below.

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