Tyrese Gibson of The Fast and the Furious and Transformers series has been campaigning for the Green Lantern role for the last few days and it appears Warner Brothers has been listening. Yesterday, the actor hinted on his Instagram feed about meeting with the studio over possibly playing the Emerald Knight.
I don’t talk….. I move….. #WB #GreenLanternMission
A photo posted by TYRESE (@tyrese) on
It should be noted however, that this is far from a confirmation of Green Lantern’s casting. As a matter of fact, as far as I can tell there hasn’t even been confirmation about which Green Lantern they’re using whether it be Hal Jordan, John Stewart or somebody else entirely. The general expectation is that Warner Brothers is going with John Stewart to distance themselves from the Ryan Reynolds version as much as possible though I still wouldn’t be surprised if they used Hal Jordan again.
Admittedly, Gibson playing the John Stewart version of Green Lantern doesn’t sound like an outright terrible idea but personally I don’t see it. He’s an okay actor but I don’t think he has the charisma to pull off the role, especially considering the studio has plans for another solo Green Lantern movie in 2020. His casting probably wouldn’t inspire hatred but I doubt it generates any enthusiasm either (which is something DC and the Green Lantern character desperately need). Naturally my choice (along with pretty much all the other John Stewart fans out there) is Idris Elba though of course his involvement with the Marvel is likely problematic. To be fair though I also thought Benedict Cumberbatch signing up for Doctor Strange would be an impossible dream and that turned out to be wrong.
And of course if they decide on Hal Jordan, I want them to go with to cast Nathan Fillion who has already played the character four times in direct-to DVD films and showed that he was born to play the part.
Which Green Lantern do you think Warner Brothers will use? Would Tyrese Gibson make a good fit for John Stewart? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.
Source: JoBlo