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Third ‘G.I. Joe’ Film is Officially Green Lit

Despite the eight months of delay, G.I. Joe: Retaliation has proven itself as a global box-office success. The estimated worldwide total has already reached $131 million according to BoxOfficeMojoNow, Variety reports that this momentum has made Paramount decide to move forward with a G.I. Joe threequel.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation is said to cost extensively less than the first entry, at a budget around $130 million. This is surprising considering the extensive re-shoots and 3D conversion involved. That being said, if this is true, then the studio has already broke even with the sequel. Makes a lot of sense from a business perspective why they would consider a 3rd film with the Joes.

As silly as the movies are, I can’t hate on a potential 3rd film. These movies are fun action packages for kids and the 10 year old version of me actually appreciated G.I. Joe: Retaliation. In comparison to Michael Bay Transformers porn, I think G.I. Joe has earned a respectable place in the blockbuster season.

Would you like to see a 3rd entry to G.I. Joe?

Source: Variety

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