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WWE Monday Night Raw Recap: 10.13.14

WWE Monday Night Raw


Dean Ambrose opens WWE Monday Night Raw. He said that there is nothing that he wants more than to beat up Seth Rollins in a Hell in a Cell. However, he has to deal with John Cena. He said that it is clear that The Authority is protecting their Golden Boy by having him and Cena beat each other up before they face Rollins. He said that he will grab the contract, beat Cena senseless with it and then destroy Rollins.

John Cena is out. He said that he had some veteran advice for Ambrose – shut up and get ready for the biggest match of his life. Ambrose told John Cena to stop patronizing him and to stop pretending like he cares. Cena tells Ambrose that he is way out of his league and way over his head. Ambrose looks ready to fight but …

The Authority is out. They make fun of Ambrose and Cena threatening each other. Triple H thinks that, if they teamed up, they would fight each other. Stephanie McMahon doesn’t agree. They make a bet and book Ambrose and Cena to face The Usos and the tag team champions Goldust and Stardust in a triple threat tag team match.

The match was a really good one, with all three teams looking good. The end started when Stardust actually landed on his feet from the Attitude Adjustment. Then, The Usos threw Goldust and Stardust out of the ring and then hit Uso-Crazy on them. Then, John Cena went to the top buckle and hit a flying press onto all four of them. Then, Dean Ambrose didn’t want to be one-upped, went up top and hit a flying elbow from the top buckle onto all five. Ambrose threw the Dust Brothers back in the ring, tossed Cena back in and then Ambrose and Cena both hit their finishing moves and won the match.

The Authority is out next and announced that John Cena and Dean Ambrose will fight tonight for the Hell in a Cell contract to face Seth Rollins.

AJ Lee is out next for a tag team match. Her partner is Layla, and AJ Lee promises that she won’t walk out on her like she walked out on Emma last week. They are facing Paige and Alicia Fox. When AJ Lee tried to tag in Layla, Layla walked out on AJ Lee. However, Lee hit the Shining Wizard onto Fix and pinned her. Then, AJ Lee chased Layla up the ramp, slammed her face into the steel ramp and then tossed her into the guard rails twice before skipping off smiling.

Randy Orton approached The Authority. Orton said that Cena and Ambrose can both beat Seth Rollins any day of the week. He then said that he wants to fight whoever loses in the Dean Ambrose and John Cena match in a Hell in a Cell match as the main event at the PPV.

Next up was an Erick Rowan being freed promo.

Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler is up next against Randy Orton. Cesaro is at ringside on commentary. The match was shocking. Dolph Ziggler dominated the entire first part of the match. He even blocked Orton’s hangman’s DDT and just countered everything Orton tried. Then, before the commercial break in the match, Seth Rollins came out with his MitB briefcase. This match was awesome. Orton ended up winning when Ziggler went for the Fame-Asser but Orton caught him, threw him into the air and hit the RKO as Ziggler fell. Orton looked very impressed in Ziggler. After the match, Seth Rollins came in the ring and hit the Curb Stomp on Ziggler while he was down. Orton looked kind of pissed about this.

Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter are out after the break and Swagger will face Seth Rollins in the next match. Randy Orton then came out midway through this match, just like Rollins did during his match. Swagger put in a lot of offense in the match but Rollins won with a roll up while holding the tights. After the match, Orton hit Swagger with an RKO. Rollins and Orton got in each other’s faces after the match. Rollins ended up leaving the ring.

Renee Young is with Dean Ambrose backstage. She asks what to expect. He said that fans should not expect Ambrose to be a nice guy because Ambrose is not a nice guy. He said John Cena and Seth Rollins are on the Highway to Hell. After this, Big Show is interviewed backstage about his match tonight with Rusev. Big Show said that Rusev had a glass jaw.

That match is now as Rusev and Lana are out first. Lana makes some smart comments about Columbus accidentally finding America and then being mean and pushing the Native Americans off their lands and onto reservations where they built casinos and take stupid Americans money. Big Show was out next and the match started. Big Show dominated most of the first half of the match until Rusev hit an amazing dropkick and took over. Rusev actually ducked out of the KO punch and then locked in The Accolade. Mark Henry came down to the ring to cheer on Big Show. Mark Henry attacked Rusev, which caused Rusev to win by DQ. Big Show was mad, but he forgave Mark Henry. Then, the Russian Flag dropped over them. Big Show and Mark Henry surrounded Rusev outside the ring. Rusev attacked Henry and started beating him down. He turned and Big Show knocked him out.

Renee talks to Sheamus backstage about Miz and Damien Mizdow. Sheamus is then out to the ring for the match against The Miz. Mizdow spent the entire match outside the ring mimicking every move The Miz made. Why do people slap Sheamus in the face? It is just suicidal. Miz goes out of the ring and heads under it. Sheamus gives chase, but Brogue Kicks Mizdow but Miz slides in the ring from the other side to beat the count and wins the match by countout.

Backstage, the good girls from Total Divas are talking to NeNe Leakes when the bad girls walk by and Cameron taunts NeNe before walking off. Back from commercial, Cameron, Nikki Bella and Summer Rae are in the ring for a six-man tag match against Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya, who have Rosa Mendes with them at ringside. NeNe Leakes comes out also for the match. Things broke loose at the end, and Brie Bella was able to escape out of Nikki’s Rack Attack and hit a sit out face buster to pin her sister.

Renee Young is backstage with John Cena. He said that Dean Ambrose is crazy but is the only one with the guts to stand face-to-face with him in the ring.

Up next is a Bray Wyatt promo, the first one that isn’t about freeing Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. This one has Bray talking about Sister Abigail and saying “it is coming.”

The Authority are out first for the main event, which is John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose in a “Contract on a Pole Match.” Cena was the first man out. Ambrose is out next. This match is No Holds Barred. Seth Rollins also comes out before the match starts. Randy Orton also then comes out. Then, for some reason, Kane comes out and leads Rollins and Orton to the ring. Cena and Ambrose actually fought up the entrance and Ambrose suplexed Cena on the steel stage. Ambrose broke the STF by biting Cena’s thumb – awesome. Orton made fun of Ambrose for fighting Cena outside of the ring so Ambrose sucker punched him. It looked like Kane was getting ready to fight when Cena attacked Ambrose. He then threw Ambrose into Orton, Kane and Rollins and rolled into the ring. Orton attacks Cena. Ambrose tries to save Cena but Kane and Rollins run in. Rollins runs away and Kane tries to choke slam Ambrose. Cena makes the save and hits the Attitude Adjustment on Kane. However, while he is doing that, Ambrose races up the top buckle. He then smiles at Cena when he turns around, does the “you can’t see me” motion and pulls down the contract.

It’s Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton vs. John Cena in two Hell in a Cell matches at the PPV.

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