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WWE Monday Night Raw Recap: 09.22.14

WWE Monday Night Raw

WWE Monday Night Raw starts with Dean Ambrose coming out to the ring to open the show. He returned at Night of Champions last night and attacked Seth Rollins. Ambrose said he won’t leave until he gets his hands on Seth Rollins and pulled a chair into the ring to wait. That brought out John Cena. Ambrose told Cena not to make him not like him. Cena said he was going to kick Seth Rollins tonight and that caused Ambrose to tell him that he warned him. The two were about to fight when The Authority came out. Triple H said that neither of them would fight Rollins, but they would fight … Cena said screw it and he and Ambrose attacked The Authority.

Cena and Ambrose took out Kane and Randy Orton and then chased Seth Rollins through the crowd. They took turns beating the hell out of Rollins until Seth finally ran to the parking garage, stole someone’s car and drove off. Cena and Ambrose just kind of looked at each other, Cena looking serious and Ambrose looking a little crazy. Backstage, Triple H told Kane he will fight Ambrose tonight and Orton will battle Cena. Kane is not happy, but Stephanie McMahon said they should want retribution. Orton tells them to tell Seth Rollins to stop starting fires that they have to put out.

The Miz is out next. This is funny because Damien Mizdow has a replica IC title now. This is the Intercontinental title rematch against Dolph Ziggler. This was a great match, with Ziggler kicking out of the Skull Crushing Finale and Miz kicking out of the Fame-Asser. Miz tried to win using the tights again, just like last night, but Ziggler rolled through and held Miz’s tights to win his title back.

Bo Dallas is in the ring and he is ready to face Jack Swagger, who is accompanied by Zeb Colter. Last week, Swagger beat Dallas on WWE Monday Night Raw and then Dallas won on SmackDown. Swagger won this rubber match by making Bo Dallas tap out to the Patriot Lock. Zeb Colter said that he Bo-lieves that Swagger made Bo Dallas tap out.

Summer Rae and Layla are in the ring. Natalya and Rosa Mendes come out next. Summer Rae talks about being the most attractive person in the room, and that explains why Natalya is always so jealous of her. This match is Summer Rae vs. Natalya. This is a match based on an angle that started on Total Divas. Layla tried to distract Natalya and Summer Rae went for a roll up but Natalya reversed it into a Sharpshooter while Rosa Mendes took out Layla.

Dean Ambrose vs. Kane is up to start hour two of WWE Monday Night Raw. Ambrose is out first. Kane is out next and the match was actually pretty good, with Kane selling well the entire match for Ambrose. The end came when Kane went for a choke slam, but Ambrose ducked out and hit the Dirty Deeds. He went for the pin and Seth Rollins ran in from out of nowhere and attacked Ambrose for the DQ. Ambrose fought back but Kane saved Rollins and hit a choke slam. Rollins tried to go back after Ambrose, but Dean had a chair so Seth left.

Backstage, Triple H is telling Seth Rollins to chill out because people are tired to coming to help him. Dean Ambrose then attacks Rollins again. Triple H wants Ambrose thrown out of the building, but Stephanie McMahon says no and orders him to be locked in a room because every time they throw someone out, they always come back. Smart.

Up next is a look at the doctors talking about Roman Reigns hernia surgery.

U.S. Champion Sheamus is out next for a six man tag team match. He will team with The Usos to battle Cesaro and the new tag team champions Stardust and Goldust. The bad guys dominated the entire match. The end was almost the same as Night of Champions with an Uso trying for a flying splash only to have Goldust raise his knees. Goldust hit the Final Cut but Sheamus broke up the pin. The Usos then hit the big splash on Goldust and won the match.

Randy Orton is in the back and Seth Rollins approaches him. Rollins said that he appreciates that Orton is fighting John Cena tonight. He said that he has a surprise at ringside for Orton and that Rollins and Kane will be at ringside to watch his back. Orton seems happy now.

Up next is the next generation deal the WWE promised, and it is the new WWE 2K15 trailer.

Mark Henry is out next to talk about his loss last night to Rusev by submission. Henry said that he is out there to apologize to the fans. He said that the fans can pick on him tonight and can do the “what” chant if they want to. He then said he was sorry to let them down. Rusev is out with Lana. She says that Henry doesn’t have to apologize because they all understand how pathetic Mark Henry is. She said that Henry failed at his second chance, but how about a third tonight? Mark Henry said that, if the fans want him to destroy Rusev tonight, then he will. Lana then told Rusev to “squash Mark Henry.” Henry went for the Vader Splash but Rusev pulled him off to stop it. Rusev then challenged Henry to get up, but Henry couldn’t and Rusev just locked in the Accolade. Henry passed out (which is what should have happened last night).

Slater and the Gater (Heath Slater and Titus O’Neil) are in the ring and Adam Rose comes out with his Rose Buds. This match is Slater and the Gater vs. Adam Rose and the Bunny. Slater and the Gator dominated the match until the Bunny got into the ring. Bunny turned things around and Rose won with the Party Foul.

Nikki Bella came out next. She said that she lost her Divas title match at Night of Champions because she listened to Brie Bella’s hateful comments before the match. Nikki calls Brie out to the ring. Brie is out and she is smirking. Nikki said that this isn’t about the loss, it is about how Brie Bella has never supported her. Nikki said that Brie is an embarrassment to her and the name Bella. Nikki said that she wants the Bella name exclusively. Brie said she refuses to give up the Bella name. Nikki asks her if she didn’t just get married. Does this mean she has buyer’s remorse for marrying a broken down ugly troll. Brie Bella attacks Nikki Bella, but Nikki escapes before Brie can lock in the Yes Lock.

AJ Lee is out and she is set to fight Nikki Bella next. Paige is at ringside doing color commentary. Nikki actually threw AJ Lee into Paige, but Paige did nothing about it. Nikki Bella has actually become a good wrestler since turning heel. AJ Lee can lock in the Black Widow from anywhere. AJ Lee won the match.

Seth Rollins and Kane are out next and there is a familiar covered something next to the announcer’s table, which looks just like the cinderblocks they used on Dean Ambrose. Randy Orton is the next man out. John Cena is out next for the main event (and he has yet another new t-shirt). The match was great, with the two men knowing each other so well. Cena finally went for the STF but Kane and Rollins attacked for the DQ. Kane choke slammed Cena. They take Cena out and gets ready for the Curb Stomp on the surprise. However, when Kane takes the cover off, Ambrose is under there. He just goes bat shit crazy and beats the hell out of all three men. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on Orton and Cena hits the AA on Kane while Seth Rollins escapes into the crowd. As the show ends, Ambrose still doesn’t look like he likes John Cena. Great ending for WWE Monday Night Raw.

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