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Constantine TV Show to Introduce The Spectre?


One thing that has started happening on a lot of the recent comic book television shows is the introduction of characters that fans know will one day be a specific hero. Dinah on Arrow is destined to become Black Canary. Ronnie Raymond is appearing on Flash and comic book fans know he will one day be one half of Firestorm. That is the entire premise of Gotham. Now, Constantine is getting in on the act.

Coming Soon has reported that Emmet Scanlan (Hollyoaks) has signed on to appear on Constantine as Jim Corrigan. Comic book fans will immediately recognize that name as the former police officer who dies and becomes the vengeful Spectre.

The Spectre is one of DC Comics oldest characters, appearing long before the company rebooted itself in the 60s. He was a police officer who was murdered by criminals, but when his soul refused to pass on to the afterlife, he returns as The Spectre, a very violent being who punishes those criminals that slip through the hands of justice.

DC Comics released a DVD of short animated films that was headlined by Superman/Shazam in recent years and a Spectre short was included. It seemed like a nice re-introduction of the character for kids who may have never heard of him.

While this character would fit in perfectly with Constantine’s world, the news is that Jim Corrigan will appear as a still alive cop.  Don’t be surprised if he ends up dead before the first season ends and Constantine has another supernatural being getting in his way.

Constantine premieres on October 24 on NBC and Renegade Cinema will recap the show every week. In the meantime, check out the DC animated showcase for The Spectre

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