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Oklahoma City Free Tickets for The Hundred-Foot Journey

The Hundred-Foot Journey

Renegade Cinema is proud to once again partner with Disney to bring you free tickets to the advanced screening of The Hundred Foot Journey. The movie stars Helen Mirren as the owner of a major French restaurant who makes life hell on a Indian family who opens a small restaurant across the street from her.

Renegade Cinema has 50 pairs of tickets to give away for The Hundred Foot Journey and all you have to do is send an email to  for your chance to win a pair of tickets to the advanced screening.

Now, for the The Hundred Foot Journey screening information:

The Hundred Foot Journey

Because this is not an exclusive Renegade Cinema event, it is overbooked to guarantee a full house. This means you need to show up before 7:00 to ensure you get a seat. Don’t worry, you can have your +1 save your seat while you hit the snack counter.

Also, from the experience with the Guardians of the Galaxy screening, there are some people who cheated the system and took more than their one pair of tickets we gave them, meaning that some people who won were unable to get their tickets at all. Make sure to claim your tickets the minute you get your email, and if you are one of those people who cheat the system, don’t be a dick or you will get blacklisted from future ticket giveaways.

For future ticket giveaway possibilities and more, follow Renegade Cinema on Facebook and follow Shawn S. Lealos on Twitter to get notices as soon as they are available.

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