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Harrison Ford Still Refuses to Talk Star Wars Rumors

Harrison Ford Still Refuses to Talk Star Wars Rumors

The will he or won’t he game continues with Star Wars: Episode VII. The first name that popped up as returning was Harrison Ford, as sources claimed that Han Solo played a large role in the upcoming film.

Then Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher reportedly said they were returning. Then no one was signed to come back “yet.” Then Harrison Ford started talking about it again. Now, Ford has stopped talking and said he is not ready to discuss returning “yet.”

By the time this movie comes out, Star Wars fans will be exhausted just from the ongoing rumors.

Harrison Ford did have some nice things to say about director J.J. Abrams, though.

“I think he’s fantastic,” Ford said. “I did his first movie, ‘Regarding Henry,’ with Mike Nichols. A wonderful talent. Extraordinary guy.”

Since Regarding Henry, Abrams has become the toast of the sci-fi genre, with TV shows like Lost and Fringe and movies like Super 8 and Star Trek. Now, he enters the world of Star Wars.

After Harrison Ford motioned that his lips were zipped about Star Wars, he was asked if he and Abrams have spoken recently, to which he just responded: “about what?”

And the wait continues.

Source: Yahoo! Movies

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