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First Look at ‘American Horror Story: Freak Show’

American Horror Story: Freak Show

First fans of the hit horror show American Horror Story were teased with whether or not the newest season’s theme was really going to be ‘Freak Show’, after hints were dropped by the Writers who later denied it. It was enough to plant seeds of excitement at all the dark possibilities, stirring up images of twisted gaffs and human oddities in our minds.  When they finally confirmed that American Horror Story: Freak Show was to be, I know I was ecstatic. Weren’t you? Just think of the potential! Creepy clowns and sword swallowing gone horribly awry? I mean, who isn’t put off by a painted on smile that could be hiding malicious intent? Now we get a sneak peak on what the Creators of the show have in store for us. Yet another tease, as if the first wasn’t enough. Called The Fallen Angel, this teaser stuns and leaves us aching for more:

Jessica Lang has been an icon for the the show for 3 seasons, and will be ending her reign with season 4. Having played a malevolent maven, a corrupt nun, and the Supreme, I can’t wait to see what part she has to play this time around. Could they throw us for a loop and have her play innocent, or meek? Or will she go out, playing one last Queen of mean?

Having stacked up Golden Globes and Emmy awards from the very start, no matter what the Writers have in store for us, it is sure to be something to behold.

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