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Arrow TV Show Casts Superman


The Arrow TV show has done a lot of things right. After a decent, if slightly underwhelming first season, it delivered a second season that might be some of the best comic book television outside of The Walking Dead. Seriously, if you aren’t watching Arrow, you are missing something. Now, TVLine reported on Monday that Arrow has cast Superman to join the third season of Arrow.

Actually, Arrow cast Superman Returns actor Brandon Routh to appear in the second season. For those who only know Routh from Superman Returns, and didn’t like that movie, this is not a big deal. For the rest of us, this is awesome news.

Brandon Routh has rebounded from Superman Returns to become quite a fun actor and has become a cult favorite. Check out his minor role in Zack and Miri Make a Porno, his wonderful role as an evil-ex in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, or his fantastic turn on the TV series Chuck, and you see an actor who never once takes himself seriously and has become a real treat to watch.

And to trump even that news, Brandon Routh is playing Ray Palmer on the show.

For non-DC Comics fans, Ray Palmer is The Atom. Fans next year will get to see Ant-Man on the big screen, but DC Comics Atom was the original shrinking superhero. He was also dead center of one of DC Comics greatest stories when his wife murdered the wife of The Elongated Man in Identity Crisis.

However, since Warner Bros. seems to be wanting to keep things in their comics and their TV shows and movies similar, Ray Palmer still has his power to shrink in the new comics but rarely uses them, instead working as a scientist for S.H.A.D.E.

Are you excited to see Brandon Routh on the Arrow TV show? Is Ray Palmer showing up something that you want to see? Could Superman be far behind? Chime in below with your comments.

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