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Guardians of the Galaxy 17-Minute First Look

summer movies 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy / Marvel

Marvel and Disney hosted a special Guardians of the Galaxy 17-minute first look preview at IMAX theaters across the country on Monday night. By the time it was over, movie fans got a good look at what they can expect from what might be the hardest to sell Marvel Comics movie yet.

Honestly, it was pretty damn awesome. There were problems, but when the 17 minutes ended, I was smiling.

The footage, which James Gunn has guaranteed won’t hit online, saw the booking after the five were arrested. It was the part of the original trailers where John C. Reilly’s NOVA agent Rhomann Dey is describing each of them. We then head into the prison with them where we learn that there are some NOVA officers who aren’t that good and the five decide to work together. The footage then shows how they escape.

So, what did we get from the Guardians of the Galaxy 17-minute first look? Well, Chris Pratt is awesome as Peter Quill and Rocket Raccoon is probably the best character in the entire movie, just like James Gunn promised. I wasn’t impressed at all with Batista as Drax, but that was because of the short time maybe. I’ll wait till I see him over an entire movie to make a final decision.

However, I loved Groot.

The Guardians of the Galaxy 17-minute first look footage also showed that Marvel let Gunn keep his trademark humor for the movie. Honestly, I can’t wait to see the movie now.

If you missed it, Marvel just released the Guardians of the Galaxy extended trailer online that screened after the first look tonight.

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