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Guillermo Del Toro Announces Pacific Rim Sequel and Animated Series

Pacific Rim sequel

Guillermo Del Toro just released a new YouTube video with a huge announcement. Not only is Del Toro going to actually make a Pacific Rim sequel, but he is also going to make a new Pacific Rim animated series.

This comes a couple of weeks after Legendary said that they would make a Pacific Rim sequel if Del Toro came up with a great idea. Del Toro was working on the script with Zak Penn. They were working on the script even though there was a chance they wouldn’t even get to make the movie.

The problem with a Pacific Rim sequel was that Legendary made that movie and also made Godzilla, which was a much bigger success. With a Godzilla sequel already in the works at Legendary, there was a good chance that they felt that one giant monster movie was enough.

Since the Guillermo Del Toro announcement came on Legendary Pictures YouTube channel, it sounds like this is a done deal.

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