If you’ve ever watched the 1984 edition of Footloose with Kevin Bacon and thought, “You know, this movie would be a lot better with hair metal and demons.” then you likely would benefit from watching this particular Fiendish Flick. Black Roses is about a rock band that descends upon a sleepy midwestern town, driving Lamborghinis and clad in leather pants with
The gratuitous breast shots, the daffy dialog, and the hilarious special effects make this movie so bad it’s good. Begging to be riffed on, along with several other band themed flicks of the era, Black Roses is a good choice to throw on at your next 80’s party if you want a lot of laughs. It’s not scary. Okay, the acting is kind of scary, but the
So next time you’re ready to rage, my satanic little sweeties, light some candles, play some Dio backwards and throw on Black Roses. Clearly the makers of this Fiendish Flick have an in with the dark forces. -Ruby