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Publicist Confirms Harrison Ford Injury To Be a Broken Leg

Harrison Ford injury

Last week it was reported that Harrison Ford had been hospitalized after after a mishap on set that caused a door to fall on top of him during filming for Star Wars: Episode VII.  At the time it was believed that the Harrison Ford injury was a relatively minor ankle injury but today it has been confirmed by Ford’s publicist that he actually sustained a more serious broken leg.

It was reported a few days ago that Ford would miss eight weeks of production and that Ford’s injury wouldn’t effect the film’s December 18, 2015 release date.  Whether those plans have changed now that Ford’s injury has been revealed to be more serious than originally indicated remains to be seen.

I’m inclined to believe that Ford’s role in Episode VII isn’t all that important if J.J. Abrams can go without him for almost two months without effecting the production schedule very much.  That or he doesn’t have much to do in the way of action which may be for the best since Ford turns 72 next month and this isn’t exactly the first time I’ve been concerned about the actor’s age.

How do you think the Harrison Ford injury will impact the quality of Episode VII?  Do you think Ford will miss more than eight weeks?  Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.     

Source: Coming Soon

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