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WWE Payback Results: Can The Shield beat Evolution?

WWE Payback

WWE Payback takes place from Chicago and the main event is a six man no-holds barred tag team elimination match between The Shield and Evolution. Also on the show is John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt in a last man standing match. three title matches and Daniel Bryan facing an ultimatum from Stephanie McMahon to surrender the WWE World Heavyweight Championship … or else.

Here is the full WWE Payback recap as it happens. Make sure to check back throughout the evening as Renegade Cinema will be live updating the results after every match.

WWE Payback 2014


The WWE Payback Kickoff sees Kofi Kingston joining Booker T, Josh Mathews and Alex Riley to talk about the show. Nothing really big happened here outside of just previewing each match. Two new matches have been added to WWE Payback – Bo Dallas vs. Kofi Kingston and The Rhodes Brotherhood vs. Rybaxel.

Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and JBL are the announcers for WWE Payback.


Hair vs. Mask Match: El Torito w/ Los Matadores vs. Hornswoggle w/ 3MB

El Torito and Los Matadores come out first and El Torito’s tail is “starting to grow back.” Torito has a basketball jersey with the number 2/3 on it, representing Michael Jordan’s “23.” The first part of the match was all comedy, including an airplane spin that had both wrestlers dizzy for a couple of minutes. Then everything got awesome when 3MB and Los Matadores traded huge dives outside the ring. The match ended when Hornswoggle pulled off El Torito’s mask (he had a second one on under it) and Torito hit a seanton when Hornswoggle was celebrating. Hornswoggle was shaved bald after the match. For the second month in a row, the match was more entertaining than it had any reason to be.

Winner: El Torito by pin (**)


United States Championship: Sheamus vs. Cesaro w/ Paul Heyman

The actual WWE Payback show opens with the United States Championship match. There is a HUGE CM Punk chant when Paul Heyman comes out and Heyman said he isn’t here tonight, he is at the Blackhawks game, watching Chicago lose to the L.A. Kings, which was like when Brock Lesnar beat Undertaker. The match was surprisingly great. There was one moment where Cesaro ducked the Brogue kick and hit a German for two. He then kept hold of Sheamus and went for the Neutralizer but Sheamus reversed out into White Noise. Cesaro then hit the Big Swing later on Cesaro with over 20 swings. However, just when Cesaro went for the Neutralizer, Sheamus pulled out a small package for the win.

Winner: Sheamus (***)


The Brotherhood vs. Rybaxel

There was a WWE Network exclusive before the WWE Payback event where Cody Rhodes blamed himself for their problems but he was ready to put it all behind him. It didn’t happen. Cody almost got the win with Cross Rhodes on Ryback but Axel made the save. Then, when Cody was going for the Beautiful Disaster kick, Ryback caught him and hit the Shell Shock in a nice reversal. It looked like Cody was finally about to turn on Goldust, but instead he told his brother that Goldust deserves a better tag team partner and walked off.

Winners: Rybaxel (**)


Rusev w / Lana vs. Big E

Lana came out before the match started to once again praise Vladimir Putin, but for some reason Justin Roberts introduced Putin’s entrance. Big E came out with the American flag. The fans start chanting “We want Ziggler.” For the first time since he debuted, Rusev looked like he was hurting and then Big E hit a HUGE spear on Rusev through the ropes to the floor. That was a huge move. However, back in the ring, Big E went for his splash but Rusev kicked him in the face, locked in The Accolade and made Big E tap out.

Winner:  Rusev (**)


Bo Dallas vs. Kofi Kingston

This match was announced during the pre-show on the WWE Network pre-game show. Just because the Blackhawks will lose tonight, that doesn’t make the fans losers because they just have to Bolieve. Before the match can start, Kane comes out. He attacks Kofi Kingston (this is because of a tweet Kofi sent out that said The Authority were abusing their power). Kane hit the choke slam and tombstone and then left. Bo Dallas comes into the ring after that and said that Kofi will be ok and be back stronger than ever if he just Bolieves. A number of fans are already chanting “We Bolieve.”



Intercontinental Championship: Bad News Barrett vs. Rob Van Dam

The fans are split down the middle on this match, with Bad News Barrett / RVD chants. The two fought a great hard fought match, both looking great. Barrett actually rolled out of the way of the frog splash, but then RVD ducked the bull hammer. Outside the ring, Barrett missed a second bull hammer and hit the ring post. Inside the ring, RVD went for the split legged moonsault but landed on Barrett’s knees and then Barrett hit the bull hammer for the win.

Winner: Bad News Barrett (***)


Daniel Bryan WWE World Championship Decision

Stephanie McMahon is the first to come out to the ring. Michael Cole brings up the 30 day defense rule. Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring with Brie Bella. This is the loudest sheers that Bryan has received in over a month. Stephanie says this is all Bryan’s fault. As Bryan is talking, there is a new CM Punk chant. Stephanie said that means that the fans want Bryan to quit just like CM Punk did. Bryan said he hopes Stephanie’s kids are watching so they can see that their mother is a narcissistic, self centered – and Brie Bella said “bitch.” Stephanie said the only crime Brie Bella committed is making a poor choice in a husband. Brie Bella said Daniel knows what needs to be done. However, Bella wouldn’t let him and said she won’t be a powerless victim and be controlled. Stephanie said she does because Brie works for her. Brie Bella then said “I quit.” Stephanie laughed at her so Brie slapped the crap out of McMahon. That caused Stephanie McMahon to run off in complete shock.


Last Man Standing: John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt is out first and the dueling Cena chants start before his music even starts. This is the town where Cena has been hated more than almost any other town. Just when it thought that Cena was alone against The Wyatt Family, the Usos came down to the ring to back him up. Wyatt actually hit Sister Abigail but Cena got up up by the 8 count. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment but Wyatt crab walked up to break the count. Then, everything broke loose with the Wyatt Family and Usos fighting, with all four fighting to the back. Wyatt brought in a chair and went to work on Cena with the chair. Cena still made the count and grabbed the chair. Cena looked like he didn’t want to use it but then used it anyway. Then, as Wyatt was getting back up, Cena brought out a table. However, Wyatt reversed out of the attitude adjustment and drove Cena through the table with a suplex. Cena made it back up and Wyatt went for the ring steps. He slammed them into Cena’s hand and then stood on the steps and led the fans in singing “He’s Got the Whole World.” Cena got up and ended up slamming them into Wyatt’s head. Wyatt got out of the ring. Cena picked up the steel steps and threw them about six feet, directly into Wyatt’s head. Wyatt got back up somehow. Cena went for more tables. Wyatt hit Sister Abigail on the ring floor. The fans are chanting “this is awesome.” Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on the floor. Harper and Rowan are back to attack Cena and save Wyatt. The Usos are back out and they all end up through tables and out of it. Bray Wyatt hit that massive body block through the time keepers barricade. The two fought up the stage and Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on Wyatt through and into a giant speaker box and then pushed another speaker box onto the top of it to make it so Wyatt couldn’t get out.

Winner: John Cena (****)


Divas Championship: Paige vs. Alicia Fox

Paige started off good but then Alicia Fox just got nasty and she just dominated most of the rest of the match. However, at the end, Paige got fired up and lashed into Fox, locking in the PTO for the submission win. After the match, everyone chanted “you tapped out,” which caused Fox to demand silence from the crowd.

Winner: Paige (**)


No Holds Barred Elimination: The Shield vs. Evolution

The main event should get a good 30 minutes.  Early in the match, all six men ended up fighting out of the ring and into the crowd. After about five minutes of that, what looked like a real match got under way. Things broke down and there was no eliminations for 20 minutes. Triple H knocked the crap out of Seth Rollins with some equipment. The Spanish announcer’s table was in danger and cleared as well. All three members of Evolution had Roman Reigns alone (no one knows what happened to Dean Ambrose). Evolution hit the triple powerbomb on Reigns through the Spanish announcer’s table. They stood over Reigns and mocked him with the fist but then Ambrose flew over the announcer’s table and took out all three members of Evolution and then Seth Rollins flew over the top rope and leveled them as well. Evolution came back and took chairs to both Rollins and Ambrose. Roman Reigns is back in the ring.

No one has been pinned and eliminated yet. Evolution surrounds Roman Reigns. Batista hits the spinebuster. They rip off Reign’s shirt and then brings in the steel steps. All three have kendo sticks and take turns lashing Reigns. Orton has a chair but Reigns with the Superman punch. Triple H with the chair. They beat Reigns up the stage, but Dean Ambrose is there to try to fight them off and help. It isn’t enough and Evolution is just destroying The Shield. HOLY COW! Seth Rollins is on top of the Titan Tron and flies off onto Evolution.

Rollins back in the ring. Batista goes for Batista Bomb onto Rollins but Reigns spears him and Batista is eliminated! Orton hits the RKO on Rollins but Reigns saved him. Ambrose is in and hits Orton in the back with a chair and hits Dirty Deeds to pin Orton. Its Triple H vs. all of The Shield. Triple H goes for the pedigree on Ambrose but Reigns with the Superman punch. Orton slides the sledgehammer to Triple H before he leaves. He knocks out Ambrose. He gets a bead on Reigns but Seth Rollins flies in from nowhere and then Reigns with the spear for the win. None of The Shield were eliminated.

WWE Payback ends with all three members of The Shield with fists connected and Reigns with his foot on Triple H’s chest.

Winner: The Shield (**** 1/2)

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