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Preacher TV Series to Deviate from Comics

Preacher TV series

Preacher / Vertigo

The upcoming Preacher TV series owes its existence to the success of The Walking Dead on AMC. Honestly, Preacher has been in development hell for years now and not even James Bond savior Sam Mendes could get it off the ground. Now, it is coming to television as an AMC series and, much like The Walking Dead, it is not going to exactly follow the comic book story.

Preacher / Vertigo

In an interview with Collider on Tuesday, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg talked about the upcoming series and what they have planned for it.  If you didn’t even know Preacher was getting a TV series, you should take a minute to recover from the fact that Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg are the men behind it. Yeah, the Superbad guys are making a Preacher TV series.

Anyway, here is what the duo had to say about the Preacher TV series:

“It’s pointless just to make a literal interpretation of the comics, if you want that experience you can go read the comics, so we’ve had to do a lot more work than I expected before we could actually start writing the pilot, honestly,” Rogen said. “We kind of have to shape the whole series in a weird way and think like, ‘Oh, what season would this character come in? When would you first introduce his guy? Where does this go? Why is this guy here?’ So that’s kind of what we’re doing now is shaping almost the whole series.”

Now, people may be ready to lynch Seth Rogen for that statement, but he has a good point. Frank Darabont did the same thing with The Walking Dead and it is now one of the most popular shows on television. Darabont introduced two characters that weren’t even in the comics that became a couple of the most popular characters on the TV series (Merle and Daryl).

I don’t expect Rogen and Goldberg to completely re-write the story of Preacher, but I do expect them to make changes when needed to keep the Preacher TV series something that can really thrive on television. What are your thoughts? Do you feel this can make it as a TV series? Are Rogen and Goldberg the right men for the job? Chime in below with your thoughts.

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