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The Following ‘Silence’ Recap Episode 02.14


CR: Sarah Shatz/FOX

The Breakdown

Mark and Luke are driving around in a car with a dead body. Luke can not come to terms with their mother being dead. Luke swears revenges on everyone including Carroll. Ryan lashes out at Claire for sending the message to Carrie. Ryan thinks that she put Carrie in danger. Ryan asks what did the message mean and Claire tells him that it is a poem that her and Joe wrote together. Emma is fighting with Joe about if Claire is alive or not. Emma thinks that it is a trap and the Claire is dead. Joe feels that no one could have known about that poem but Claire.

Rev. Tanner has received a cell phone from Joe that someone threw into his yard at night, Tanner does not tell the FBI. Joe has Emma and Roger go to Wade County (where he proposed to Claire) to see if a trap has been set. Joe just wants them to observe. Mike is being questioned as to what happened with Lily Gray, Mike tells them that Lilly as endangering Ryan so he shot her. Joe finally calls the cell phone that he gave to Tanner and tells him a set of instruction in order for him to see his son again.

CR: Sarah Shatz/FOX

One of the followers pours gasoline on her head in front of Tanner’s house, she then lights herself on fire. Tanner tells his bodyguard that, this was the signal Joe talked about. Tanner goes outside to a black van. The men in the van tell Tanner to get in. Tanner asks where is his son, and he is hit on the head and dragged into the van. Joe tells Emma to let Roger be the hero on this mission, he wants her to stay safe. Joe also pitches her on the fact that when this is all over she will be the one history remembers that stood by Joe’s side, not Claire.

The FBI addresses Tanner’s bodyguard as to the whereabouts of Tanner is. After a little hesitation the bodyguard tells them that he placed a tracker on Tanner because he didn’t know what else to do. A group of Joe’s followers march into a church. Tilda and a few other go to the back and kill a janitor. The black van that Tanner is in arrives. Tanner is pushed into the church.

CR: Sarah Shatz/FOX

Max tracks the van as going to a church, Mike and Ryan go to the location and requests back up. Joe comes into the church with his followers and lets everyone know that he will be conducting service today. Emma and Robert are at the Inn, Emma asks Robert what did Joe tell him to do in case they run into Claire. Joe told Robert that Emma knew what to do. Emma has no clue what to do in case they find Claire. Emma and Robert have a brief conversation about death.

Ryan and Mike arrive at the church where a follower is there. The woman tells the police that this is Joe’s church and no one can enter. Upon the Police approaching her, she shots her self in the head. Ryan and Mike look for a way in and find stairs that go to the roof. Once in, Joe followers rig gas to the window. Claire is on her way back to the FBI safe house. Claire has a smoke bomb that she stole for Ryan’s ignites it and leaves the police vehicle.

CR: Sarah Shatz/FOX

Joe and his followers have the church on lock-down. Joe brings out Preston and Tanner. Joe is streaming live to the entire nation. Joe tells Tanner to pray to him or to god into order to save his son. After Tanner begs Joe to save his son Joe tells him it doesn’t work that way. Joe gives Tanner and Preston the choice of one killing the other or they both die. Tanner tells everyone that good will always prevail and kills himself so that his son doesn’t have to.

Joe is shocked that Tanner kills himself and even calls him stupid for doing so. Mike wants to end this now and have Ryan take the shot at Joe. Ryan doesn’t think this is a good idea as the whole church is rigged with explosives and innocent people will die. Claire has took a taxi to the Inn in Wade county. Emma tells Robert that they should kidnap her.

CR: Sarah Shatz/FOX

Claire is walking around the Inn and Emma tells her that her time is over. Claire has a gun and Emma asks does she even know how to use it. Claire shoots at Emma but not hitting her. Robert attacks Claire and tells Emma that they need to get out of here. Emma tells Robert that she is going to kill Claire. Emma is going to make it look like Claire shot Robert (Emma shots Robert) then Claire runs off. Emma looks for Claire upstairs in the dark. Claire attacks Emma and stabs her. Emma falls out of the window. Claire takes Emma’s keys and Emma on her last wind tries to hit Claire, Claire stabs Emma again with a piece of wood killing her.

Luke ends up at the Inn with Claire, Luke admits his surprise that Claire is there. Mark asks Claire did she kill Emma. Ryan and Mike are walking around the church. Ryan is noticed by a guard and the guard shoots. Joe tells whoever is there to come out or Preston will die. Mike comes out and tells Joe to kill him instead. Joe is constantly yelling at Ryan to see if he is there. Joe finally just says that he is going to kill Mike in 3…2…1..

CR: Sarah Shatz/FOX

The Analysis

This is how you end a series, or at least the episode before you end a series -Cliff Hanger…other series take note!

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