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Captain America 3 to Play Chicken with Batman vs. Superman

Justice League movie

DC Comics

So, there is a game that has been around for many years where two drivers get into their cars and drive towards each other at a fast speed. The one who swerves out of the way first loses. It’s called Chicken. Well, it looks like Disney and Marvel are taking on Warner Bros. and DC Comics in a game of Chicken, and if one of these powerhouses doesn’t move, one of them will bomb hard.

Captain America 3 has been tabbed for a May 6, 2016 opening, which just so happens to be the same day that Batman vs. Superman is set to open in theaters. If neither of these movies changes course, comic book geeks will have to pick a side, or just go see one on Friday and the other on Saturday. While most comic geeks would do that, the majority of the movie going audience won’t go see two movies in one weekend.

Marvel/Disney Press

Now, Marvel already had this time lined up while Warner Bros. moved Batman vs. Superman there when they realized they couldn’t make their original 2015 release date. At that time, they knew there was a Marvel movie there, but might have assumed it would be something new like Doctor Strange. Marvel answered with Captain America 3, following the amazing Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

If you asked most movie goers five years ago which movie they would choose, I could venture to guess that a large majority would lay down their money to see Batman meet Superman on the big screen. However, the mixture of a polarizing Man of Steel (76% audience approval on Rotten Tomatoes) and Ben Affleck as Batman has swayed some.

Man of Steel, the return of Superman to the movies, made $668 million worldwide during its run. Captain America: The Winter Soldier has already hit $519 million worldwide heading into only its third weekend in the U.S. It’s clear that Marvel is starting to run away with the public opinion.

Batman vs. Superman has already moved once, so they are likely the movie that will move again to avoid Captain America 3. Honestly, if they don’t back out of this game of Chicken, it might be Batman and Superman that is sent crashing and burning in a ball of flames.

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