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Bates Motel ‘The Escape Artist’ Recap – Episode 02.05

On this week’s Bates Motel Norma started her journey with Nick Ford, Norman and Emma each experienced some intimacy, and Dylan saved a life while almost losing his own.

The Breakdown

This week’s episode of Bates Motel entitled The Escape Artist had Norma making a call to Nick Ford to see how he could help her stop the bypass. Nick invited Norma to his boat for a meeting, which turned out to be more than a “boat” – it was a beautiful yacht. Nick explained that he could not make any changes on his own and gave Norma the name of a man to see. Upon visiting the man, Norma received reports regarding an endangered species living on the land slated for the bypass. Norma promptly delivered the reports to city hall asking the clerk to hand them out to the city council. Norma was quite pleased.

Sheriff Romero popped up at the motel asking Norma for a room – for months. After her initial shock at the request, the sheriff explained his house had been burned down. Norma gladly checked the sheriff in to the motel.

Zane showed up at the packaging area and asked Dylan to meet him for lunch; shutting out Remo all together. Zane then left, but outside Sheriff Romero approached Zane who he assumed had burnt his house to the ground in last week’s episode. The sheriff, not uniformed, beat up Zane and warned Zane about how bad he can really be.

Norman spent more time with his new friend Cody. Cody went to pick Norman up at the motel so they could work on the musical together, but before Norman showed up to her car Norma got to meet Cody. Cody blasted music from her car and smoked a cigarette while making it clear to Norma that she had absolutely no respect for her being Norman’s mother. This did not sit well at all with Norma.

Emma’s new beau showed up in the motel office to ask her out after work. The two of them planned a walk on the beach. Norma showed up just in time for Emma to ask her about sex, explaining that she had no one else to ask. Norma acted motherly and tried to help Emma feel comfortable about her decision – should she decide to have sex with the new boy.

When Emma and her man took their walk on the beach, it was actually pretty nice. Later in the boy’s room at the motel, the two of them did take the next step and ended up in bed together.

Norman got to witness the sounds of the abusive relationship between Cody and her father when they had to swing by her house for supply money. Cody talked about leaving town with the money, but instead took Norman to her favorite spot in the woods. The two of them sipped on beer and then climbed to a high tree house where the two of them got very intimate with each other.

When the sheriff returned from his “brawl” with Zane, who did land a punch or two, Norma spotted him and offered to help with his wounds. As with most, the sheriff did not have much choice and Norma took him up to the house to clean him up. Norma asked him about Nick and the sheriff told her that he was in the drug game and that she should stay away from him. The two of them shared an awkward but close moment together before the sheriff headed back to the motel.

After Dylan and Zane’s lunch, the two walked outside the restaurant only to be greeted with gunfire from a drive-by. Dylan immediately tackled Zane to the ground to save him from being shot. When Dylan spotted the car turning around to take another try, he plotted himself in the middle of the road aiming the gun at the car. He hit one man and then the car hit him, sending him flying into the air.

Norma had a brief conversation with Norman after he returned home from his time with Cody. Norma made it clear that Norman was not to see Cody anymore. Norman agreed that after the play was over, he would.

The episode ended with Dylan in a hospital bed. A woman in the shadow at the end of the bed was thankful that he had saved her brother’s life. The woman then stated the she was Dylan’s boss.

The Analysis

This episode of Bates Motel was terrific as these characters continue to develop. The relationships that the three main characters have formed since moving to the little town get more interesting all the time.

Norma found out that Nick is in the drug business, but I doubt that will stop her from accepting his help. She wants that bypass stopped and I am betting she will do whatever she has to do to make that happen.

Norman continues to get the women. First Bradley, then Cody – and let’s not forget that last season he had Emma’s heart as well. I do not understand the draw, personally, but good for Norman!

Then there is Dylan the resident tough guy. Even though he appears to be so rough, he has a tendency to do the right thing when presented with the option. The fact that he tackled Zane to keep him from being shot and then stood there in the road aiming the gun at the car was a great scene. Dylan is a character that keeps Norma in line at times, because he is not afraid to call her out on things. He needs to stick around, so I hope he moves back to the house with Norma and Norman. I also think Norman needs him. I think Dylan brings him a little bit of “normalcy” in a way – as a big brother.

What did you think of this week’s Bates Motel? Are you interested in the mystery woman calling herself Dylan’s boss? I wonder if her and Nick Ford know each other and how well. Things should really heat up next week!


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