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Has Harrison Ford Confirmed His Return for ‘Star Wars VII?’

Ever since the news broke that we would actually be getting a new Star Wars trilogy, the fans wanted to know if it would be a set of sequels to the original. When that was confirmed, people immediately wanted to know if we could end up seeing the original cast back. At this point, the only person who has claimed to be back is Carrie Fisher. Mark Hamill has expressed interest, but there’s been no real confirmation. (Even though George Lucas seemed to have let the cat out of the bag recently.)

The biggest question mark about Star Wars VII is whether Harrison Ford will return as everyone’s favorite space rogue, Han Solo. There’s no doubt that between the three original actors or the entire cast of Star Wars, Ford has had the single most successful career, and Solo is one of the most popular characters in the saga, if not the single most popular.

However, we might have just gotten some more concrete news from Ford himself. WGN TV caught up with Ford and asked him if any of the rumors are true. This is what he said:

“I think it’s almost true. I’m looking forward to it. It’s not in the bag yet, but I think it’s happening.”

Almost true? That could imply that the contract hasn’t been finalized yet, but it’s all but a done deal. It might not be right to do too much speculating, but it’s hard to ignore the implications of Ford’s vague statement here.

What do you think Ford’s quote here means? Is this actual confirmation that Han Solo will return? Why don’t you just tell us what you think in the comments below?

Source: Screen Rant

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