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Marvel Searches for ‘Doctor Strange’ Director

While Marvel has yet to officially announce a release date for Doctor Strange, they are currently searching for the Doctor Strange director and have reportedly already have it narrowed down to a few names.  Included in Marvel’s shortlist are Jonathan Levine (50/50, Warm Bodies), Mark Andrews (Brave), Nikolaj Arcel (A Royal Affair) and the relatively unknown Dean Israelite.

I think Levine would actually be a really good choice to direct a Marvel film since he has proven with his previous films that he knows how to balance comedy and drama which may be the most important thing you need from a comic book movie.  If Marvel hires Levine, I think I can find myself getting legitimately excited for Doctor Strange.  

Marvel’s other choices though have me less than enthusiastic.  Admittedly, I’m mostly skeptical about Arcel and Israelite because I’m not very familiar with their work but I have more legitimate concerns over Andrews.  His only directing credit is for Brave, one of Pixar’s weakest films and an animated film no less.  What exactly makes marvel think they can entrust a guy whose only directed an animated movie (and not particularly well either) with a big budget comic book film?

Who do you think should be the Doctor Strange director?  Give us your thoughts in the comment section below.      

Source: Ain’t It Cool News

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