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‘Terminator: Genesis’ Casts Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese

After a long search, Paramount has finally cast Jai Courtney to play Kyle Reese for Terminator: Genesis.  This comes not long after Jason Clarke was cast to play John Connor, Emilia Clarke was chosen for the role of Sarah Connor and Arnold Schwarzenegger has been confirmed to return to the franchise.  Terminator: Genesis is set to be released July 1, 2015.

I’ve been trying my best to reserve my judgement for this movie at least until production actually starts.  However, casting Courtney as Kyle Reese is making me less than enthusiastic for this film’s prospects.  Courtney was mostly forgettable in Jack Reacher and flat out embarrassed himself in A Good Day to Die Hard (though to be fair so did everyone else).  The guy already contributed to ruining one beloved action movie franchise, so why is this studio so quick to cast him another?

I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised though since of all the actors Paramount had testing for the role, Courtney’s was by far the highest profiled.  However, the fact that they couldn’t find a more proven actor like they did during casting for John and Sarah Connor doesn’t really bode well for the character.  Here’s hoping they prove me wrong.

Do you think Jai Courtney was the right choice to play Kyle Reese?  Do you think Terminator: Genesis will be any good?  Let us know what you think in the comment section below.

Source: IMDB

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