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WWE Monday Night Raw Recap: 02.17.14

The final episode of “WWE Monday Night Raw” before the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view opened with John Cena coming out to the ring. Cena talked about how he has been there before and Randy Orton is a baby. Then Cesaro came out and said he would win the Elimination Chamber match and become the new Face of America. Cena called Cesaro in to face him.

Cena patronized Cesaro and then Sheamus came out. He said he is not interested in being the Face of the WWE but he will make Cesaro and Cena’s faces look bad when he kicks them in. Then, Christian came out and pointed out that Sheamus should have kicked Dean Ambrose in the face instead of him on Smackdown.

Then, Randy Orton came out. He said Cena has never beat him when it counted, Christian has never beaten him at all, and turned his attention to Sheamus when Daniel Bryan’s music started and he came out to the ring. The fans in attendance love Bryan more than anyone else in the ring. He said no one mattered because at the end, the fans would all chant “Yes.”

Then Kane came out. He said that he is in charge. He booked Cesaro to fight John Cena and Christian would face Daniel Bryan, right now, with Kane staying at ringside to watch the match. Kane stepped towards Kane and Christian hit him from behind and then beat him down. The match hadn’t started yet, so it looks like Christian is turning heel.

Back from commercial, and a referee was checking on Daniel Bryan. When he decided Bryan was alright, the match officially started. Christian dominated almost the entire match and hurt Bryan’s shoulder, but Bryan won with a roll up after reversing the Kill Switch. That caused Kane to take the microphone and say that Bryan had one more match – against him. Daniel Bryan won the match by disqualification and then Kane tried to injure Bryan’s arm after the match.

A backstage interview with The Shield was next. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns argued and when Rene asked if they were on the same page, Seth Rollins said they are always on the same page and Dean and Roman agreed.

The next match saw Fandango take on Santino Marella. The end came when Summer Rae tried to interfere but Emma stopped her and hit a big airplane spin. Emma was dizzy, so Santino went out and caught her from falling. Then they locked eyes and looked like they were going to kiss when Fandango kicked Santino, threw him in the ring and planted him with a slam for the win.

Mark Henry was backstage being interviewed and he told Rene that he was going to induct Roman Reigns into the Hall of Pain. The Shield came out to the ring for Roman Reigns to get ready for his match with Mark Henry. Roman Reigns didn’t just win, but he won cleanly and quickly. After the match, Dean Ambrose started beating on Henry some more to Reigns’ amusement.

The The Wyatt Family showed up on the screen to talk about the match for Elimination Chamber. Roman Reigns asked them why they don’t just come out and Bray Wyatt agreed. They came to the ring and The Shield didn’t budge. When Bray Wyatt got into the ring, Roman Reigns stepped up. Dean and Seth followed and then The Wyatt Family left again. It looks like The Shield are the fighters and the Wyatt’s are playing the devious heels.

Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger fought in the next match. Kofi actually dominated a large part of the match but Swagger reversed a flying body press pinfall with the Patriot Lock to make Kofi tap out. Before Swagger could celebrate, Big E came out for his match and Swagger left as Big E got into the ring.

Big E faced Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal in a handicap match while Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter stayed at ringside. Colter had a house mic and talked crap about Big E the entire match. Big E won the match after hitting the Big Ending on both men. After the match, Big E took the mic and said he would win on Sunday.

An Alexender Rusov promo was next.

John Cena vs. Cesaro was next. This was an amazing match. Cesaro reversed out of the Attitude Adjustment at one point and Cena reversed out of two different Big Swing attempts. Cesaro also hit an amazing superplex on Cena at one point by lifting Cena from the apron over the buckles. Cesaro is so strong. Cesaro finally reversed out of the STF to hit the Big Swing for a good dozen rotations. Cena then countered the Neutralizer into the Attitude Adjustment but Cesaro landed on his feet. Cena then hit a clothesline and hit the Attitude Adjustment for the win.

John Cena won the match but Cesaro looked like a HUGE star.

Backstage, Triple H and Randy Orton were talking. Orton apologized for everything and said that he would make things better and then started to trash talk Batista, without realizing Batista was behind him. Batista said that Orton wasn’t the face of the WWE, he was the ass of it. Orton walked off and then Alberto Del Rio showed up with a neck brace and said he would break Batista’s arms on Sunday so Batista shoved into the wall.

In another part of the backstage area, Rene interviewed Titus O’Neal. He said that he has been held down for 731 days by Darren Young and when they fight on Sunday at the Elimination Chamber, it will start the rise of Titus O’Neal and lead to him being a champion.

The next match is Los Matadores and Sin Cara taking on The Wyatt Family. The good guys put up a fight but had no chance and Bray Wyatt pinned Sin Cara. No sign of The Shield after this match.

Back from commercial and The New Age Outlaws were in the ring. The New Age Outlaws face the Usos on Sunday at the Elimination Chamber for the tag team titles. This match is between Billy Gunn and Jay Uso. Road Dogg said they never had to accept the tag team challenge so Jimmy said if he was scared to just admit it. Jay pinned Billy Gunn with a roll up. After the match, Jimmy hit a superkick on Road Dogg and then Jay hit a flying splash outside the ring on the tag champs.

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton was next, the final match of Orton’s gauntlet heading into the Elimination Chamber. Orton pulled out all the stops in this match and actually put Sheamus through the announce table (which should have been a disqualification but wasn’t). Sheamus fought back but just when it looked like Sheamus was going to hit the Brogue Kick, The Shield attacked him.

John Cena came out for the save and then Cesaro, Daniel Bryan and Christian came out and joined in. Then the lights went out and the Wyatt image appeared. When the lights came back on, The Wyatt Family was in the ring and then they attacked The Shield and WWE Monday Night Raw ended with everyone fighting in the ring.

Other than the show ending in the middle of the brawl and the long awaited physical battle between The Shield and Wyatt Family lasted only seconds before the show ended, this was a great show and a good lead-in to the Elimination Chamber.

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