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Spider-Man Movie Universe Promised by Sony Pictures

The Avengers have proven that opening up a connected universe is something that can not only be very cool, but very successful. It was so great that Warner Bros. decided they were going to make Batman vs. Superman and connect all their heroes and Fox plans to do the same with The X-Men universe. Now, Sony says it will do the same with the Spider-Man movie universe.

One of these things is not like the others.

Marvel has an entire universe of heroes to plug into their movie world, with Spider-Man, The X-Men, Fantastic Four and maybe Sub Mariner as the only exceptions. Warner Bros. has every DC Comics hero at their disposal. Fox has every mutant in Marvel Comics to use in the X-Men universe.

Spider-Man has …


“We are going to access Marvel’s full world of Spider-Man characters, so be on the lookout for new heroes and villains,” Amy Pascal, co-chair of Sony Pictures, told investors.

Now, there are a ton of fantastic villains in the Spider-Man universe, maybe second to only Batman. But, who could be heroes that lead their own movies other than Spider-Man and Venom? Maybe they could use Black Cat. I wonder if Morbius belongs to the Spider-Man world?

Sony Pictures Entertainment Chairman and Chief Executive Michael Lynton said any character within Spider-Man’s universe is fair game. He also said that Sony is working with Marvel and Disney, so that could be a positive sign, but don’t expect Spider-Man to pop up in an Avengers’ movie.

Who would you want to appear from the Spider-Man world in their own movie? Venom? Scarlet Spider? An anti-hero Sandman? Black Cat? Peter Porker the Spectacular Spider-Ham (please)? Let us know who you want to see.

SourceThe Wrap

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