You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
Of course, Tom Hardy has no need to dream big, as he’s already living most actors’ through roles in Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Max Max: Fury Road and yes, even as Elton John himself in Rocketman. Now word comes from the Terminator 5 casting camp that Mr. Hardy is highly sought after for the role of, who else, John Connor.
Hardy is as always a great choice for any role in almost any flick. A bigger question to consider is what type of ground Taylor and company are going to cover in this fifth installment that will make it stand out from previous efforts. It’s well documented that the first and second films are among the elite in Hollywood blockbuster classics, and even Rise of the Machines, while feeling at least partly like a retread, had some cool things going for it (the ending, mostly). But Terminator Salvation was a missed opportunity, and the movie going public is only going to subject themselves to so much more robot-chasing-a-human-that’s-protected-by-another-robot action before completely tiring out. What to you guys and gals want to see from the next Terminator movie? Do you even want to see another Terminator movie at all? This Renegade Reporter will always be enthusiastic, even if such excitement is tinged at this point with just a hint of hesitation.