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Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Joining SEAL Team 666

Seal Team 666

Has anyone else out there read Weston Ochse’s Seal Team 666? Quick breakdown: it’s the first book in a series about an elite group of Navy SEALS that combat supernatural enemies out to attack and ruin the Red, White and Blue. Ochse is a Bram Stoker Award winner and while SEAL Team 666 isn’t necessarily the best horror novel out there, the premise is unique enough to warrant a look (yes, this Renegade Reporter has read it).

The book’s strength lies in its fast pace, excellent use of military jargon, and, for Hollywood, the fact that is reads like an extremely descriptive screenplay. Seriously…the book’s chapter subtitles will be used as location call-out text in the film.

MGM has caught on to that last bit as the studio will be handling the adaptation of Ochse’s story. And lookie here, they’ve signed Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson to play the title character of Jack Walker, the newest sniper to be recruited to SEAL Team 666. Johnson will also executive produce the film.

This could be lightning in a bottle if they avoid the same type of scenario as 2005’s Doom, which meant well but didn’t really translate to a stellar movie going experience. Even then, Johnson was a bright spot in an otherwise slightly dreary and misguided video game adaptation. The source material here is original enough to start getting excited about the Rock hunting demons and going up against a cult that wants to attack the good ol’ US of A.

SEAL Team 666 also has an awesome dog that also fights the forces of evil. C’mon…what’s not to love about this? No word yet on filming or intended release date, but we’ll keep you posted.

Source: Cinema Blend


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