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‘Thor’ Actress Possibly Confirms Wonder Woman Casting at Warner Bros.

Wonder Woman Casting

Last week, a rumor started that Warner Brothers would potentially squeeze Wonder Woman into the new Batman vs. Superman film. Well, one actress in particular has broken the silence and says she had conversations with the studio about playing a role as originally described as an actress in their late 20s who is both tall and possesses physicality. Wonder Woman? Sure does seem that way.

The story is broken by Mark Hughes twitter in which he explains the following:


This could mean three things: 1) Warner Brothers is searching for a love interest for Bruce Wayne. 2) Warner Brothers is looking for the great and powerful Wonder Woman. 3) They are both one in the same person. It’s hard to say but the more we hear, the more it sounds like a sure bet that the studio has finally gained the balls to bring Wonder Woman to life. About damn time!

Jaime Alexander definitely has the look for Wonder Woman down, especially in regards to physicality. If she gets the part, I definitely wouldn’t complain. That said, I have a feeling the studio is going to seek someone who has a little more mainstream credibility. I’m not certain on this, I’m just judging how safe their decision-making has been thus far. I hope I’m wrong.

What do you think? Is Jaime Alexander the perfect match for Wonder Woman?

Source: Mark Hughes

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