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Crimson Peak Starts Its Ascent

The Strain TV

Ha! Crimson Peak is 100% real. The production has a start date and everything! Guillermo Del Toro’s return to the fantastic is set to get underway February 10th 2014 and wrap shooting on May 14th. The goal is to have the film ready for an April 2015 release.

On set with Del Toro will be the stars of his upcoming film, Charlie Hunnam, Jessica Chastain, Mia Wasikowsa, and Tom Hiddleston. That’s a solid core cast, and I hope they can get it together and give us the next great horror film. After The Conjuring‘s very profitable performance, earlier this year, it seems like horror may be making a return to the mainstream. Crimson Peak may well carry that momentum even further.

It does not look like this movie will be much of an adaptation of Mountains Of Madness. In fact, that was just me being confused about something I read. Del Toro has two separate projects, but he seems to hope that a positive response to Crimson Peak could jump start his attempt to bring Lovecraft’s classic to the big screen. What we have to look forward with Crimson Peak is instead another haunted house/family horror movie.

“Her (Wasikowsa) and Charlie Hunnam (also in del Toro’s PACIFIC RIM) will play a young couple that meets and falls in love at the turn of the 20th century. They marry, and end up in a mansion that may, or may not, be haunted. Soon Hunnam’s character starts exhibiting behavior that puts poor Wasikowska in fear for her life. Benedict Cumberbatch ([Now]Tom Hiddelston) and Jessica Chastain have supporting roles as members of a high-class family that gets involved with the newlyweds.”

That all sounds great. I trust Del Toro to put his unique spin on what, according to Hiddleston, is a super spooky script. “The script itself is bone chillingly terrifying. When I was reading it for the first time I had to get up and walk around the room, then sit down again because I was so scared.” Sounds perfect to me.

Source: Aintitcool

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